Flu, RSV, or COVID-19?

This season, there are three respiratory infections we have heard a lot about. The flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 are all contagious respiratory infections that affect the lungs and sometimes it can be hard to spot the difference in symptoms. Let’s break down the symptoms and how they may differ.

First, let’s start off with what the common symptoms of all three infections may include:  

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle soreness

Now, how can we distinguish between them? Of course, the best way to really know is to get tested for all three. We recommend reaching out to your healthcare provider for guidance. You can also take an at-home test that can detect all three! Order your free combined test here. Aside from taking a test to determine what you have here are some differences in symptoms that can give it away.

  • The flu is likely to give you a higher fever
  • RSV can cause wheezing and shortness of breath
  • COVID-19 will commonly result in sudden loss of taste and smell

The flu and RSV run their course within 1 to 2 weeks while COVID-19 symptoms tend to linger for a while longer. The CDC website has some great tips for treating the flu and RSV care. You can also find updated COVID-19 information to help yourself navigate during this season.

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